Monday, May 18, 2015

Happy Adopt-iversary Deucey!

April 30th, 2015 we celebrated Deucey’s Adopt-iversary! It was exactly 1 year to the date that we adopted our naughty boy but it’s been one of the best decisions for our family. 
It’s been a journey to say the least. What I thought was this cute little white Pit Bull turned out to be a very scared and distrusting puppy that not only HATED men but every time you raised a hand he instantly thought he would be reprimanded physically. In general, if you raised a hand he instantly went into defensive mode because he couldn’t bear to be hit, beaten or harmed anymore. I was scared, yes because at times he would get aggressive but more or less my heart hurt for the fact that he thought are intensions were not to love him but hurt him. 
I knew it would take times, lots of time for Deuce to ever trust us (or any humans) again and it did. It took months for Deuce to understand that we were here for the long run and weren’t going to give him up or hurt him like his other homes had. 
Enough of the negatives because these days Deuce is the happiest and most wiggliest dog in town! That tail goes 100 miles per hour at the site of his humans. He loves to cuddle and I mean LOVES. It’s true when they say Pit Bulls think they are lap dogs because Deuce sure does think he’s 7 pounds verse 70. He loves his brother Deagan although at times he can be a little too rough. They are both learning every day how to play with each other but it doesn’t stop the love they have for each other. Josh has also gotten quite fond of Deuce. I would say they are buds. Deuce doesn’t pass up a chance to cuddle with Josh on the couch. 
When it comes to Deuce physically, like I mentioned he’s a whopping 70 healthy pounds of PURE muscle. He literally has a 12 pack on his chest (it’s awesome). He stands about two feet high. He’s finally grew into his one goofy ear… kind of. Now it just kind of sticks up. 
Deuce has the silliest personality. He LOVES car rides. Seriously, if I let him out the door and I have a window open, he will jump through the window to get in my car. I’ve even drove around the block a couple times with him in the car just because he’s spoiled rotten. He loves to play fetch and with him toys but he doesn’t share well. He loves doggy daycare at both NC’s Doghouse and Le Dee Dogs, also, the local dog park. He wants to play… all. the. time! He knows how to sit, shake, lay down, kennel and bang-bang although when we have a crowd he likes to pretend he has no idea what I’m saying! He’s still learning how to walk on a leash but we’ve improved. 
Deuce has two feline siblings, April and Leo. April (our Diva) and Deuce have a love-hate relationship… they love to hate each other. Leo and Deuce wrestle constantly. I’ve tried to stop the madness but they have too much fun so I let them be in hopes no accidental bites or scratches happen. Then there’s Barnabee, our 13 year old German Shepherd x Lab that wasn’t too fond of having a puppy in the family. He was very content with being the only dog but he’s been VERY good at sharing the attention he receives with Deuce. Deuce is definitely that annoying little brother but there are times where I catch the two playing so it can’t be THAT bad. 
I feel as though Deuce has made me a better person. He’s taught me so much! I’ve learned that puppies are similar to babies but can run fast, bite hard and destroy EVERYTHING. Ok, it’s not THAT bad but he has taught me patience. Also, that not everyones past can reflect their future. He had proven that Pit Bull are amazing animals. He learned to love and trust again without holding a grudge against the only people he is suppose to trust in. Thank you, Tri-County Humane Society for blessing us with such an amazing companion. He has truly fulfilled our family!


Who would of thought… my free male kitten that I found in a boat would cost me nearly $1,000.00? Well, he did. If you forgot who Leo is, he’s our 2 year old Orange Tabby cat. He was our 1st pet so he has a special place in our family plus he’s like the coolest cat you’ve ever met. 
To piggy back off of my last post, just when we though everything was going good with Leo, matters went south AGAIN! The poor guy was squatting again and this time I knew it was serious. 
We called the vet and made our way back to Becker Vet Clinic for what I thought may indeed be surgery. I walked into the clinic crying, not only because my sweet boy was in so much pain but I was scared to death of the financial repercussions of bladder surgery. Our Vet, bless him, had to deal with me a sopping mess. 
Welp, to my surprise, the Vet came up with a alternative (and much cheaper) solution to removing Leo’s bladder stones. He would place a catheter for 24 hours to flush those painful little nuggets that were blocking Leo’s pork-link (family term for wee-wee). It would require over night care as well as follow-up medication and prescription food but hey – it was half the price! 
The following day after placing the catheter we received a call that Leo was peeing again - YAY! I was actually excited that he peed this time!! We were given the OK to bring him home where we’ve been nursing him back to health. We have a long road ahead of us but our sweet Leo is all worth it. 

Always Ask For a Second Opinion

After coming home from vacation for nearly 4 days, I found that my sweet boy, Leo is squatting all over the house (looking like he’s peeing but not). I instantly am angry because who wants cat pee all over their house! After googling WHY a cat may be doing this, I found that this could be a serious matter. I reached out to a local vet that was open after hours (after 5:00 PM) and they said that I should bring Leo in immediately because he would potentially be backed up (which is common in male cats) and may need immediate surgery. So obviously I rushed him to the vet in a panic. 
Shortly after arriving I was brought to a room for Leo’s examine. Leo was extremely uncomfortable, making noises I’ve never heard before. He didn’t enjoy their company what so ever. They could feel that his bladder was full so took him in the back room for a urinalysis. I could hear Leo SCREAMING and SCREECHING in the back room and when the staff returned to the room, they were carrying a towel full of blood. When I asked who’s blood was on the towel, the staff assured me it was theres which is also VERY out of Leo’s character because he truly is the sweetest and calmest cat. Then came the BOMB placed upon me… the vet had informed me that they will be closed the following day and they are unable to perform the “emergency” surgery that Leo will need because he has high pH levels and signs of crystals. Mind you, this assumption to have emergency surgery is based off a urinalysis and an examine, not an X-ray. Therefore, since they were not going to be open on a Wednesday and unable to perform the surgery, they recommended I go to the St. Cloud Emergency Vet Clinic to perform the surgery with an estimated cost of $1,200.00 (does not include the exam and urinalysis I had received at this clinic). I would have to pay for ANOTHER exam once I arrived along with an office visit, the surgery and 3 days with a catheter and 3 days rest at ANOTHER vet clinic. 
I was instantly ANGRY! Why would they have me rush to their clinic if they couldn’t perform the surgery anyways? Why wouldn’t they send me directly to the ER in the first place if you thought it was a blockage? Well, they received my $112.00 that could have been spent at the ER. 
$1,200.00 was definitely an eye opener and sticker shock. I needed to go home and discuss with my fiancé. Obviously, I would do anything for my cat but holy crap… that’s a lot of money. Leo’s primary vet is at the Becker Vet Clinic and it’s someone that I enjoy very much. I came home and decided that I am going to wait until morning to bring Leo to his primary. 
I monitored Leo all night and he actually did piddle a bit in his litter box and he was comfortable and no longer squatting. Therefore, we will rest and head to Becker Vet Clinic bright and early in the morning.
Wednesday morning I loaded Leo in the car and headed South to Becker (about a 30 minute drive). Instantly, his vet was able to get us in. He felt his bladder (which is VERY small) and noticed it wasn’t hard and not full at all. I had left Leo there until the “other” vet was able to send over the urinalysis so I went back to work. 
Welp, the call came… it was a bladder infection… NO SURGERY NEEDED! Thank you, Becker Vet Clinic!! Leo did have signs of crystals but they were not formed and we could prevent them from forming. So with a prescription of medication and a special diet, Leo was sent on his way back home and happy as hell :) 
So note to EVERYONE, always get a second opinion when your animal is needing “emergency” anything and surgery of course. Thank you again to Becker Vet Clinic. They are absolutely awesome. Leo is happy and healthy at $250.00 verse $1,200.00 AND being cut open.

Thank you, Banfield

Although, all of our animals visit different Vet Clinics in the St. Cloud, Minnesota area. We are VERY fond of Deuce’s Vet Clinic, Banfield Pet Hospital. When deciding on a provider for our new puppy, Deuce we explored MANY options. We based our decision on recommendations from Tri-County Humane Society and whom would give our puppy the best care. Of course, we were looking for affordability too. 
After scoping out our options, we chose to dedicate a year to the Puppy Wellness Plan at Banfield Pet Hospital. We chose the Early Care Package due to Deuce already being neutered when we adopted him. The Early Care Package with the Puppy Wellness Plan consists of two comprehensive physical exams, routinely recommended vaccinations, diagnostic testing, fecal exams, deworming treatments and unlimited free office visits. The free office visits SAVED US when it came to Deuce, our continually sick puppy. 
We battled Upper Respiratory Infection, Juvenile Cellulitis, an Absessed Tooth, Aggression, Ear Infections, his hatred for nail trimmings and just recently his constant nail biting so as you can tell… the free office visits were a saint! We pay $30 a month for the Puppy Wellness Plan which with the amount of visits, it’s paid for itself. Mind you, not every puppy gets incredibly sick like Deuce BUT the staff is absolutely amazing (we visit the clinic in Waite Park, Minnesota) and the convenience of dropping the dog off for their visit is great. They are also open evenings and weekends which was very helpful for us since my fiancé and I work full-time. 
We do utilize other Vet Clinics in the area when it comes to our cats or Barnabee but Banfield has just worked the best with Deuce. They have watched him grow and gain 40 lbs in the last couple months. They have taken excellent care of him and have been very informative to us as well. 
Thank you, Banfield for being GREAT!

Ear Infections Stink!

Ear infections — they are gross, smelly and annoying but unfortunately dogs and cats get them. 
How can you tell your animal has an ear infection? Well, the constant itching should give it away quite quickly but if not, you can smell them. My dog will scratch his ear, shake his head and you can see scratches from his nails which make the ear really red. These are all common symptoms that your animal has an ear infection. Ear infections are caused by bacteria and yeast built up on your animals ear. 
Like I’ve mentioned before, I am NOT a professional but I write on remedies that have helped my PERSONAL animals. With 4 animals (6 prior) going to the vet can be costly and not always necessary in my opinion. Don’t get me wrong, I have a special vet for each of my animals and when serious issues arise we take advantage of amazing Veterinarian professionals but such things like a simple ear infection — I first try a home remedy. 
What you need:
Ear Cleaning Solution (ask your vet or check your local pet store)
Cotton Balls
Q-Tips (I use the thicker baby safe q-tips)
Ear Relief Drops (I use Auro with the dropper)
First, I use the Cleaning Solution in their ear to clean out at bacteria build up. After I squirt it in their ear, I will massage and then take a cotton ball to get the excess cleaner. I then use a q-tip to get all the “junk” out of their ear (might need a couple). I then squirt some Ear Relief Drops deep in their canal (not too deep but deep enough that they won’t shake it out). I then spend about two minutes rubbing and massaging the ear so that relief drops get in their good. Obviously, do again on the other ear. I would recommend doing both ears even if you think the infection only lies in one. 
If your dogs ears don’t get better within two to three days, I would recommend taking them to your Vet. There could be an underlying issue such as ear mites (common in puppies). 
I can’t stress enough. I am not a professional but just a girl with a lot of experience with animals ;)

Be the Leader

For Christmas, my boys gifted me with one of the most amazing gifts… a dog training book (or it could possibly be a hint to get Deuce under control) and it’s amazing. It’s titled “The Only Dog Training Book You’ll Ever Need” by Gerilyn J. Bielakiewicz – Top Dog Trainer and Cofounder of Canine University.
Unfortunately, I feel as though I may have a lot of habits to break with Deuce after reading this book but I will most certainly will work towards making him a well behaved Pit Bull. 
First and foremost, Bielakiewicz states that you need to create guidelines with your dog. Being a strong leader is the first step toward ridding your dog of behavior problems. Following are some guidelines on how to be strong, fair leader.
1. Nothing in life is free. Make sure you give your dog a job. Teach him/her to Sit for dinner, Lie Down before doors are opened for them, etc.
2. Humans go first through doorways and up and down stairs. This prevents your dog from escaping out the front door or knocking you down the stairs. Teach your dog to Sit and Stay until he is released through your door.
3. Down/Stay sessions for five to twenty minutes at a time help teach your dog self-control and give her a constructive job to perform around distractions and company.
4. No dogs on the beds or furniture. Young dogs should sleep in a crate or in their own bed, not in bed with you. Your bed is the highest, most special place in the house and should be reserved for you only.
5. Don’t repeat a command more then once. If your dog doesn’t respond on the first try, he does not get what you were offering.
6. Ignore your dog if she nudges you for attention. Leaders give attention on their own terms, not when their dogs demand it.
7. Ignore your dog if he is constantly pushing toys at you, Leaders initiate play and decide when the game starts and ends. This keeps a dog on his toes because he never knows when the fun begins.
8. Follow through. If you’ve asked your dog to do something but she does not respond, make sure you help her to get into the right position rather than repeating the command.
9. Provide consequences. Ignore what you don’t like; avoid yelling at your dog for barking or jumping, for instance. From your dogs perspective, any attention is better than none, and speaking to the dog often be mistaken for reinforcement.
You can find this book online and at a store near you. Order yours today.

Welcome, Princess April O’Neil

Meet the biggest pain in my @$$, Josh’s least favorite animal and Deagan’s little love. Why do we all have such different opinions on April? Well, mine started when I spoiled her rotten as a baby and carried her everywhere. April these days will following me everywhere around the house, pawing at me and meowing until I hold her on my hip like a baby and carry her while I complete my household responsibilities. If that isn’t annoying, I don’t know what is! Josh dislikes her for practically the same reason but not because she wants to be held but because she’s ALWAYS in your way. She’s under your feet constantly. When we open the fridge, she’s right there! Deagan loves the attention! He loves April and the love she gives him. April is VERY loving and loves to give and receive affection but it’s to a point where it’s annoying to Josh and I but to the point where Deagan thinks it’s great. 
Although, we rant about how annoying our Princess is, we do absolutely love her. Each and every one of our animals makes our family complete. I mean — our house just wouldn’t be the same without any of them even if they drive us nuts!
We adopted April from the TriCounty Humane Society in November of 2013. Deagan and I were going to “look” at kitties but we actually had every intention of adopting. I saw the cutest, long haired, fluffiest, black kitten and I had to have her. She was so adorable! Of course, Deagan and I put our deposit on her and went home to BEG Josh to let us adopt her. It didn’t take long to convince him due to reminding him that his cousin Holly did say — cats need playmates and two is better then one. Josh said yes, and we were on our way to pick up Princess. Unfortunately, when they were examining her prior to us bringing her home they found out she had fleas so there we were… kitty-less and had to rush home and wash all our clothes because we didn’t want to give fleas to the other animals at home. We had to wait three gruesome days before we could pick up Princess and take her home. 
Josh made one exception to adopting Princess and that was that her name HAD to be April O’Neil. I thought it was the CUTEST and it stuck, Princess April it will be. 
For the first couple days, we let April stay in Deagan’s room and took turns introducing the cats and letting April explore the house while Leo stayed locked in Deagan’s room and getting used to April’s scent. It was so scary when we would put them together because Leo would ATTACK April and the poor girl would meow so loud. After patience and weeks of introducing they finally did get to a point where they become BFF’s. 
April is a true blessing to our family because she makes us a whole and Leo would be lost without her. Animals make a family a whole and even though we complain about April, we absolutely love her. 
Thank you, TriCounty Humane Society for spaying April and giving us the opportunity to adopt her :)
Also, thank you Becker Vet Clinic for giving April her vaccinations.

Leo, My Man

I feel as though I am neglecting my cats since they haven’t made their appearance on my blog. We have two cats in our household that are both rescues.

Leo is our 1 year old male Orange Tabby. Leo was found by himself in a shed when he was just a baby. Josh’s cousin posted a photo on Facebook saying she found a baby kitten in her shed by himself and needed to find a home for him. I instantly said, “Yes, please!” Josh was sleeping when the post went up and I did ask him if he was okay with us adopting this orange kitty and he faintly said, “sure”. At that exact moment, I ran to Walmart and bought everything I needed for a baby kitten. When I returned from Walmart, Josh had asked why I had a litter box, litter, food, cat toys and bowls. I simply said, “we’re getting a kitten!” He was extremely confused (but not mad) because he doesn’t remember agreeing to a kitten but I reassured him that he did agree and the cat was ours. A couple hours later, we met up with Josh’s cousin in the Mimbach parking lot and received the new member of our family. We decided to surprise Deagan with his new kitten and was he ever excited! His eyes lit up and he was instantly in love. We let him name him and that’s how we got Leonardo, Leo for short. It didn’t take long until Leo was the most spoiled cat in Minnesota.

With this being our first pet and a rescue, we were in search of a Vet Clinic to treat Leo with his vaccinations, neutering and declawing. I called many places, looked at reviews and compared pricing. We decided on Becker Vet Clinic in Becker, Minnesota (about 20 minutes from our home). We brought Leo for his exam and instantly fell in love with the staff. They were so nice and welcoming that I felt comfortable taking my new “baby” to the doctor.

Leo since has become quite the man of the house and very much keeps to himself. Deuce and him like to rough house to the point of it making me nervous but they seem to enjoy each others company. Leo and Barnabee keep to themselves and get along just fine. Leo will comfort Barnabee when he’s in pain or struggling from old age. Leo and April are weirdly close and we are still trying to figure out if they are lovers or brother and sister. They spend their time playing, wrestling, bathing each other and cuddling.

The best thing about Leo is the fact that you can be anywhere in the house, call his name and he’ll run to you immediately. It’s almost like he’s a dog (but can listen a lot better then our dogs). Also, he’s definitely a ‘Mama’s Boy’. His favorite thing to do is snuggle with me at any time I am relaxing. If I’m laying in bed, he’s laying in bed with me. If I’m on the couch, he’s snuggled up right next to me. If I’m in the bath, he’s sitting outside the tub on the floor. He’s just a great companion and we lucked out with adopting such a easy-going cat. April on the other hand…

Happy 1st Birthday, Deuce!

Happy Birthday, Deucey! Sunday we celebrated Deuce’s 1st Birthday. I can’t believe my cute baby puppy is a year old. Boy, he sure has changed from the little dog I adopted last summer. It sure has been a rough and tough year with Deuce but at the end of the day we wouldn’t take any of it back. Although we have some hard days where he makes me want to pull my hair out, he sure does have a big heart and truly loves our family. 

At 1 years old, Deuce weighs 65 pounds. He knows how to sit, shake and lay down. When he wants to participate he knows stay but in most cases he doesn’t have the patience. He loves to go for walks and play fetch. He hasn’t quite grasped the concept of drop which makes playing fetch extremely frustrating but I’ve learned a few tactics to trick him. He loves his kennel and every time I pull out a treat he’s up the stairs and in his kennel on his own. Deuce is not yet able to spend the day roaming the house due to some bad decisions he’s made such as tearing the bathroom garbage all over the house, chewing up remotes, ripping apart our couch, and gnawing on the bottom shelf of my ladder shelf. Therefore, he will remain in his kennel until we are able to trust him. He loves food and all food. 

My favorite thing Deuce does is when he gets excited he runs REALLY fast back and forth or in circle with his butt dragging on the ground. He looks completely psychotic but I laugh so hard every time he does it. My other favorite thing is how he always cuddles with Deagan. He absolutely loves and adores Deagan to a point where it melts my heart. He always wants to lay on Deagan (although he forgets that he is 65 lb. and Deagan is 50 lb.). I also love how Josh loves him. There are days where Josh can scream and yell at Deuce but at the end of the day guess which two are cuddling on the couch… Josh and Deuce. 

Deuce has not only taught me so much about being a dog owner but he’s taught me so much about being a Pit Bull owner and a trusted companion after living his first couple months in fear. He’s taught me patience. He taught me that sometimes it’s ok for things to happen. He’s taught me not to be so uptight and more understanding. He’s taught me things not only to utilize towards animals but towards people and my own life. 

Well, Sunday Deuce decided to dig a hole to China in our backyard (blog coming once I find a solution), needed two baths and decided to wipe his butt on my bathroom rugs so spoiling him was not top of my priority list but after supper I did give the dogs eggs soaked in bacon fat. Let’s just say they absolutely loved it and we loved the fact that there wasn’t any side effects such as gas or diarrhea. 

Happy Birthday, Deucey! We love you!

Beyond the Myth

“Beyond the Myth is a film about dogs commonly referred to as "pit bulls” and those who love and defend these breeds. It explores the contributing factors behind the public’s generalized fear of “pit bulls,” and examines the conflict existing between advocates and opponents of breed discriminatory laws, as carried out in three cities that ban pit bull-type dogs: Denver, Miami, and Cincinnati-along with San Francisco, which requires the animals to be spayed and neutered.“
This documentary examines the negative media coverage of the Pit Bull and its consequences, including multiple city-wide bans across the United States, mass euthanasia, and the perpetuation of the belief that the breed is inherently violent.
This is a must see if you are a Pit Bull lover like myself. This movie opens up your eyes to how people really discriminate the Pit Bull breed. It makes me so mad and frustrated that people discriminate towards the breed verse the owner especially without the knowledge and common sense of not just the breed but dogs in general. This video proves the bias that lies within our media especially when it comes to specifying an animal is a Pit Bull verse any other breed. 
The movie was written by Libby Sherrill and can be purchased on their website at or on Amazon.

Joys of being a dog owner in MN

One of the first warm days in Minnesota only screams one thing in our household… time to clean up as much dog poop from the Winter as possible. It becomes VERY embarrassing after the snow melts and the hundreds of piles of poop are clearly covering not only the front but backyard as well. 
I’ve done the math. We’ve had about 3 months of Winter, that is about 90 days (give or take a day or two) and I have 2 dogs. If they poop once a day or 90 days that’s 180 piles (piles can include like 3 turds) of dog poop in my yard and we’re only into January! Today, Deagan and I filled 3 grocery bags with poop and that’s not even close to all of it. 
During the Summer, we use daily and prefer Fleet Farms Cadet 32 in. Hands-off Poop Scooper. It’s only $9.99 and it does the job just fine and it is very convenient. The Winter is more difficult to use the Poop Scooper because the poop is frozen to the snow so I prefer the old fashion way, a glove and my hand.

Juvenile Cellulitis in Dogs

Puppy strangles, or juvenile cellulitis, is a nodular and pustular skin disorder that affects puppies. It usually occurs between the ages of three weeks and four months, and is rarely seen in adult dogs. The face, pinnae (outer part of the ear), and salivary lymph nodes are the most common sites to be affected. The cause of this condition is unknown.
I first noticed a change in Deuce when I was letting him out of his kennel and his face had looked like he was stung by a bee. It was completely swollen and hard. You could tell he was miserable so I gave him a Benadryl hoping to take the swelling down. After about two days, his face wasn’t going down and he was beginning to scratch his face to a point where he was bleeding so there was no doubt in my mind that he had to go see the vet. 
The diagnosed him almost immediately. He provided us with a Steroid along with Prednisone which helped IMMENSELY and we were starting to have our spunky puppy again.
Some symptoms to look for are:
  • Acutely (sudden and severe) swollen face – especially the eyelids, lips, and muzzle
  • Salivary gland lymphadenopathy: a disease process affecting a lymph node or multiple lymph nodes
  • Marked pustular and oozing skin disease, which frequently fistulates (develops into a hollow passage); develops within 24–48 hours
  • Pustular ear infection
  • Lesions often become crusted
  • Affected skin is usually tender
  • Lethargy in 50 percent of cases
  • Loss of appetite, fever, and presence of sterile suppurative arthritis in 25 percent of cases (acute inflammation of membranes, with leaking into a joint, due to bacterial infection)
  • Sterile pustular nodes (rare) over the trunk, reproductive organs, or on the area around the anus; lesions may appear as fluctuating nodules under the skin with fistulation
If you feel as though your puppy is being affected by any of those symptoms, don’t wait and take them in. The photo below was taken during Deuce’s recovery. We brought him to one of his favorite doggy daycares during recovery so we could raise his spirits and of course, it did :)
Photo Credit: La Dee Dogs -
Vet: Banfield Pet Hospital - Waite Park

Deuce at his Darkest

The picture says 1,000 words or maybe just one comes to mind… aggressive? Mean? Evil? Scary? Well, after I brought my dream dog home, the fairytale ended and reality hit. I just adopted a dog that had zero trust in humans especially men. I had my cute puppy on a leash, brought him in the front door with a huge smile on my face and once Josh greeted us, Deuce became aggressive, growling, barking and was so scared to the point his “mohawk” was standing up. It was clear, he was afraid of men and not just afraid, he was scared for his life. It became instantly apparent to me that in his previous three homes he was abused, by men specifically to a point where the trust between man and dog was completely gone. It didn’t take long to learn that his trust in humans diminished the moment someone reprimanded him with physical contact (spanking, kicking, smacking, beating). Unfortunately, this is common in the Pit Bull breed and because of this they get a bad representation of being “man eaters” and aggressive. I knew that I had to regain Deuce’s trust which was going to be a long process but I was up for the challenge because the thought of “returning him” or putting up for adoption didn’t even cross my mind. Of course, the safety of my step-son, fiancé, and other animals were my biggest concern but I knew Deuce wanted and needed love and our family was the perfect place for him. To my surprise, Deuce LOVED Deagan. Although, bad habits came through such as jumping but he loved him and Deagan loved Deuce. Right away, I taught Deagan what he can and cannot do with Deuce such as feed him, give him treats, run with him, play with him, walk him, etc. Which was upsetting for Deagan because of course, he wants to do all those fun things with his new puppy but I had to explain to Deagan that Deuce wasn’t a “normal” puppy but was special and needed extra love. Not soon after adopting Deuce, he became OK with Josh. He was comfortable with his presence and didn’t fear him anymore. Deuce did become extremely aggressive with me. When he would do something “naughty” (mostly pee on the floor), I would tell him “NO”, grab his collar and bring him outside but when I would go for his collar, he went into complete attack mode. It was very similar to what you see on YouTube between a training Pit Bull and bait dog but in this case, I was the bait dog. He would bite, he would growl, he would actually alligator role on me to get released but never did I let him know I was weak nor that I was going to hurt him. He punctured by hand multiple times, left bruises, and have had me scared beyond belief but I never gave up on him or the fact that he couldn’t react in that way. I had to let him know that I was not going to hurt him. It was so hard for Josh to see these episodes happen to him but I told him that it’s something I have to do and overcome for him to trust me. After sticking to my ground, Deuce came to the realization that he wasn’t getting anywhere by acting out and he could trust that I wasn’t going to hurt him when he had accidents. It’s been 6 months and Deuce hasn’t acted out in the least. Let me throw in a twist, during the time of his aggression period, Josh could grab his collar and he had no reaction. Deagan would grab his collar and he would have no reaction. Like I’ve mentioned in my description and in my first post, I am not a professional. I’ve been told he is challenging me as an owner and as his “Master” but have never knew the real reason for his reactions nor spent too much time worrying why he did it but teaching him not to do it. Throughout this hurdle with Deuce, we’ve gained his trust (not completely) but enough that he feels he needs to protect us from danger and enough to know he’s with us for good. He knows that Deagan is his best friend, Josh is his owner and I am his Master. He is our pet and family member. 

Always keep in mind that dogs have flaws and like humans can hold grudges to those whom treat them with disrespect and/or harm them. But unlike humans, dogs, more importantly Pit Bulls, forgive those that don’t deserve forgiveness but I am very grateful that Deuce saw good in myself and my family enough to forgive what humans have done to him and trust in humanity again.

Bring Me Barnabee!

Barnabee stole my heart 13 years ago and I have fell more in love with him as the years have passed. Barnabee was a present for my Great Uncle Vern. He lived on our family farm in Sauk Rapids, Minnesota living the life he loved farming. I think I have the blood and jeans of my Uncle Vern because his life is what I see for myself and everything about the farm was exactly how I pictured my future (with running water, of course). My Mom and I traveled over an hour to pick up his German Shepherd/Lab puppy for $50.00. We showed up to this home in the middle no where with chicken fencing up to separate the different mixed breed puppies they were breeding not to “sell” (I despise the word “sell” when it comes to animals. I believe adopt is more fitting) for the sake of keeping pure bread breeds actual pure bread but they were “selling” these puppies for money, obviously. Why else would you have a year filled with puppies of all different breeds, some 2, 3, 4 different breeds. Of course, at 11 that wasn’t a thought in my mind but now at 24, I am disgusted. I was just excited to pick up the puppy and keep him at our house until he was old enough to live with Uncle Vern. The breeder handed us the fluffiest, cutest little puppy and that was it… I was in love! This puppy (still not named) lived with my family and I until he was ready to live on the farm with Uncle Vern. It was bittersweet. Uncle Vern named him Barnabee (which I thought was goofy) but it was his dog. After that, we visited the farm often as we always did for Holidays and to visit. Barnabee was always so excited to see me. My Grandma said it was because he remembered me and my voice, I think so too. 12 years passed and unfortunately it was time for my Uncle Vern to give up the hardships of being a farmer and reside in a Assistant Living home which I think he deserved. He lived so long without essentials that we take for granted so moving into an apartment with an actual shower and toilet was special for him. He did have to make the tough decision to live the rest of his life without Barnabee and the rest of Barnabee’s life without my Uncle. My Grandma and Uncle decided it would be best that Barnabee went to live with Josh and I, which I was so honored and was hoping someday that would be the outcome. At 12 years old, Barnabee came to live with Josh and I in our brand new home (at the time with only 1 cat and 2 guinea pigs) where he would spend the rest of his remaining life being so spoiled with love, affection and treats. Although, moving from a farm where he had free roam and spent a majority of his life outdoors to living inside a home and could only go to the bathroom on a chain was an adjustment.

Deuce Got Me Loose!

Meet Deuce! My 1 year old American Staffordshire Terrier (Pit Bull) that is nothing short of a handful. My passion for animals started at birth but my passion for rescuing, training and rehabilitating started with Deuce. On April 30th, 2014 I adopted my FIRST ever Pit Bull from the Tri-County Humane Society in St. Cloud, Minnesota. Prior to adopting Deuce, I watched my fair share of Pit Bulls and Parolees, read information on the internet and articles in the paper (which 9 out of 10 times were negative) so therefore I thought I knew “everything” when it comes to the Pit Bull breed. I had been wanting an all white Pit Bull since becoming interested in the breed and specifically a female. I checked the local shelters website multiple times a day when FINALLY they posted a 3 months old American Staffordshire Terrier with no picture. I told myself “well, I’ll go look and see but I’m sure it is not all white”. At this time I had to tread lightly when it came to adopting another animals because our household was filled with 5 at the time (1 dog, 2 cats and 2 guinea pigs), plus money was tight. Well, worked ended at 5:00PM (I think I left at 4:55PM because the anticipation was killing me) and when I arrived, there he was. My all white baby Pit Bull with a “Little Rascals” brown eye to complete the package. Sure, he was a boy but at the time it didn’t matter to me. He was mine and no one else’s. So what did I do? I put a deposit on him, said my “see ya laters” and went home to my fiancé, step-son and 5 other animals. I hinted that adding a puppy would really “complete” our family and would also hit the cap of animals owned in a single household in the city of St. Cloud. Josh, my fiancé, wasn’t buying it but little did he know he was ours weather he agreed or not. The news that I put a deposit on Deuce (his original name) finally came out after a few cocktails at a mutual friend’s wedding and let’s just say, Josh wasn’t nearly excited as I was. A few days went by and Josh’s answer was no, no, no, no and a few more no’s. By this time, I already had Deagan on my team but both were being denied. Obviously, you know how this ends… he finally said YES! I bought everything a puppy would need and there I was, on my way to pick up my puppy. What I didn’t realize (but was stated in Deuces papers and description) was that we were about to be Deuce’s third home in his 3 shorts months of life. If I would have seen that, I don’t think it would have changed my mind but I may have raised an eyebrow. Well, the fairy tale ends and we lived happily ever after or so we thought we would.

Who the heck am I?

You may be asking yourself that question… and to answer that, I am Bethie, a 25 year old animal lover, who lives in Northern Minnesota with my fiancé (Josh), step-son (Deagan), 13 year old German Shepherd/Lab mix, Barnabee, our 1 year old Pit Bull, Deuce and three 1 year old cats, Leo, April and Wilma. I am a full-time Marketing Professional, a part-time jewelry boutique owner, occasional blogger but I’ve been an animal lover since BIRTH! I have grown up with animals my entire life and have had a majority of animals “allowed” within a household and some that haven’t. To give you a better understanding, I’ve had cats, dogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, fish, ducks, a chameleon, snapping turtles, plus a few residents I’ve shared a home with a Burmese Python. I’ve also shared my house with dinner items such as rats, crickets and worms (dinner for the animals of course, not me). Why did I make this Tumblr and why am I sharing my story? I think people could learn a lot from my journey, my way of training, the care I provide for my animals and the unconditional love they receive through the good, the bad and the ugly. I believe animals are family and like humans, deserve the same respect, love and treatment as we should to our peers. So hold on tight and enjoy the ride because you are about to be overloaded with animal compassion.


P.S. I am not a professional nor have had any schooling in regards to animals. All information will be based on experience. My suggestions, trainings or way of operating may not work for your companion. I am just telling you what makes mine happy and you are more then welcome to give it a shot.