After coming home from vacation for nearly 4 days, I found that my sweet boy, Leo is squatting all over the house (looking like he’s peeing but not). I instantly am angry because who wants cat pee all over their house! After googling WHY a cat may be doing this, I found that this could be a serious matter. I reached out to a local vet that was open after hours (after 5:00 PM) and they said that I should bring Leo in immediately because he would potentially be backed up (which is common in male cats) and may need immediate surgery. So obviously I rushed him to the vet in a panic.
Shortly after arriving I was brought to a room for Leo’s examine. Leo was extremely uncomfortable, making noises I’ve never heard before. He didn’t enjoy their company what so ever. They could feel that his bladder was full so took him in the back room for a urinalysis. I could hear Leo SCREAMING and SCREECHING in the back room and when the staff returned to the room, they were carrying a towel full of blood. When I asked who’s blood was on the towel, the staff assured me it was theres which is also VERY out of Leo’s character because he truly is the sweetest and calmest cat. Then came the BOMB placed upon me… the vet had informed me that they will be closed the following day and they are unable to perform the “emergency” surgery that Leo will need because he has high pH levels and signs of crystals. Mind you, this assumption to have emergency surgery is based off a urinalysis and an examine, not an X-ray. Therefore, since they were not going to be open on a Wednesday and unable to perform the surgery, they recommended I go to the St. Cloud Emergency Vet Clinic to perform the surgery with an estimated cost of $1,200.00 (does not include the exam and urinalysis I had received at this clinic). I would have to pay for ANOTHER exam once I arrived along with an office visit, the surgery and 3 days with a catheter and 3 days rest at ANOTHER vet clinic.
I was instantly ANGRY! Why would they have me rush to their clinic if they couldn’t perform the surgery anyways? Why wouldn’t they send me directly to the ER in the first place if you thought it was a blockage? Well, they received my $112.00 that could have been spent at the ER.
$1,200.00 was definitely an eye opener and sticker shock. I needed to go home and discuss with my fiancĂ©. Obviously, I would do anything for my cat but holy crap… that’s a lot of money. Leo’s primary vet is at the Becker Vet Clinic and it’s someone that I enjoy very much. I came home and decided that I am going to wait until morning to bring Leo to his primary.
I monitored Leo all night and he actually did piddle a bit in his litter box and he was comfortable and no longer squatting. Therefore, we will rest and head to Becker Vet Clinic bright and early in the morning.
Wednesday morning I loaded Leo in the car and headed South to Becker (about a 30 minute drive). Instantly, his vet was able to get us in. He felt his bladder (which is VERY small) and noticed it wasn’t hard and not full at all. I had left Leo there until the “other” vet was able to send over the urinalysis so I went back to work.
Welp, the call came… it was a bladder infection… NO SURGERY NEEDED! Thank you, Becker Vet Clinic!! Leo did have signs of crystals but they were not formed and we could prevent them from forming. So with a prescription of medication and a special diet, Leo was sent on his way back home and happy as hell :)
So note to EVERYONE, always get a second opinion when your animal is needing “emergency” anything and surgery of course. Thank you again to Becker Vet Clinic. They are absolutely awesome. Leo is happy and healthy at $250.00 verse $1,200.00 AND being cut open.
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