Monday, May 18, 2015

Joys of being a dog owner in MN

One of the first warm days in Minnesota only screams one thing in our household… time to clean up as much dog poop from the Winter as possible. It becomes VERY embarrassing after the snow melts and the hundreds of piles of poop are clearly covering not only the front but backyard as well. 
I’ve done the math. We’ve had about 3 months of Winter, that is about 90 days (give or take a day or two) and I have 2 dogs. If they poop once a day or 90 days that’s 180 piles (piles can include like 3 turds) of dog poop in my yard and we’re only into January! Today, Deagan and I filled 3 grocery bags with poop and that’s not even close to all of it. 
During the Summer, we use daily and prefer Fleet Farms Cadet 32 in. Hands-off Poop Scooper. It’s only $9.99 and it does the job just fine and it is very convenient. The Winter is more difficult to use the Poop Scooper because the poop is frozen to the snow so I prefer the old fashion way, a glove and my hand.

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